Exporting Charts Using Microsoft Excel Custom Chart Types

When you export charts to Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, or Word, you can optionally export the charts to a user-defined custom chart type you have set up using Excel. This means you can set up a chart in Excel and configure the type of chart, the placement of the chart legend, the colors used, and so on, to any format available in Excel, and then enter the name of this chart type in the Export dialog box when you export from IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Survey Reporter.

Note: This documentation provides information on making Excel custom chart types available for use with Survey Reporter. It does not explain how to create charts in Excel. For details, see your Microsoft Excel user documentation. These steps may vary depending on the version of Excel you are using.

To create a custom chart type in Excel

Note: When using a custom pie chart or template, ChartCategoryElements must be set to "Per element". Refer to the topic "Microsoft Excel Tables Export Properties" in the IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Developer Library for more information.

If you want to base the style of your custom chart type on a chart available in Survey Reporter, export a sample table from Survey Reporter to Excel, checking the Display charts check box and selecting the appropriate chart type. Alternatively, you may prefer to begin by creating a new chart in Microsoft Excel. Note that some chart types require the data to be organized in a particular format. For details about creating charts in Excel and the ways in which different chart types display data, see your Microsoft Excel user documentation.

In Excel, double-click an area of the chart to display the formatting dialog box for that area, and adjust the settings to your requirements. For example, if you double-click a chart legend, the Format Legend dialog box appears and enables you to change the patterns, font, and placement of the legend.

When you finish formatting the chart, select the whole chart area (selection handles appear around the edges of the area) and choose

from the Excel menu.

In the Chart Type dialog box, select the Custom Types tab.

Click the User-defined option button, then click Add to display the Add Custom Chart Type dialog box.

Enter a name and description for the chart type and click OK.

This creates the new custom chart type. You can now use this chart type when exporting from Survey Reporter to Excel, PowerPoint, or Word. See the topic Displaying a Chart for more information.

To share custom chart types

All user-defined custom chart types you create in Excel are stored in a file named xlusrgal.xls in the following location:

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\Xlusrgal.xls

Note: If you are using Excel 2007, the file is saved as a .crtx file in the following location:

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\Charts

If you want to share chart types you have created, you can send other users this file, together with a note of the exact name of the custom chart(s). To use the custom charts, they can either:

• Place the file in their own user folder, replacing any existing file of the same name. This is the easiest method if they have not created or do not wish to keep their own custom charts.

• Open the file in Excel. Each custom chart type is displayed in a separate worksheet. They can then select each chart in turn and save it as a user-defined custom chart type as described above. This method is useful for anyone who has already created their own custom charts and does not wish to lose them.