Displaying a Chart

To display a chart in the Results tab

From the menu, choose

On the Display tab, select an option that includes charts, for example, Table and Chart in the Generate drop-down.

Add variables from the Variables pane into the Design tab as you would when creating tables.

Choose the Generate results button.

To export to a chart

From the menu, choose

In the Export Tables dialog box, select an export option. You can export to charts using any of the export options except the Text File option.

Choose the More button.

If using the HTML or Microsoft Word export, choose an option that includes charts, for example, Table and Chart. If using the Microsoft Excel export, check the Display Charts box.

In the Default chart type drop-down list (or the list beneath the Display Charts box if using Excel) select the type of chart you want to export to, for example, 3D Pie.

If you have set up a custom chart in Excel, to export your results in the custom chart format (available for Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, or Word) type the name of the custom chart in the Default chart type drop-down list (or the list beneath the Display Charts box if using Excel). See the topic Exporting Charts Using Microsoft Excel Custom Chart Types for more information.

Adjust any other settings that you want to change, and choose the OK button.