Exporting Tables Using Microsoft Excel Styles

When you export tables to Microsoft Excel, you can choose whether to use styles to control the formatting. By default, the exported tables will look the same whether you use styles or not. However, styles make it easy to alter the look of your tables and apply standard formatting to multiple tables. If you want to use Excel to manipulate the data in the tables rather than printing them, you may prefer to export without using styles.

To use styles, choose the Use Excel styles option in the Excel Exports Dialog Box.

In Excel, each style has a name and defines a combination of formatting characteristics, such as font, font size, color, and emphasis, and indentation. When you apply a specified style to an item, all of the formatting that is stored in that style is automatically applied to the item. By changing the formatting defined for a style, you can quickly change the formatting of all of the items to which the style has been applied.

The following table lists the styles that are used by the Excel export.

Style TypeStyle NameDescription
Used to format header and footer annotations.
Used to format variable names or descriptions in the table column headers.
Used to format category names or descriptions in the table row headers.
Cell valuesValuesUsed to format cell contents.

The following diagram shows the styles used to format the various texts in a table.

Note that the export does not apply borders to the exported tables using styles. However, you can switch borders on and off using the Display borders option in the Exports dialog box.

Sometimes you may want to apply a standard formatting to your exported tables--for example, because you have a house style. You can do this in two steps:

1. Set up the formatting and save it in a "master document"
2. Import your formatting into your exported files

Headers and Footers

All of the headers and footers are displayed left aligned, regardless of the positions selected in the Header and Footer dialog box. This has the advantage that in a wide table all of the headers and footers are easily visible. The following table shows the order in which the headers and footers are presented.

Title HeaderTitle Footer
Left HeaderLeft Footer
Center HeaderCenter Footer
Right HeaderRight Footer

You can suppress the headers and footers from the export by deselecting the Display headers and footers export option.