Creating summarized grids

Often researchers and analysts want a summarized version of a grid question (a rating scale for example) where the top-two categories are combined for analysis. This is accomplished through standard variable editing (editing the categories of the grid question for example). However, there are times when a new view of the grid is required. For example, assume you wanted to tabulate each row by those people who were satisfied with a subject (i.e. per slice of a grid or iteration of a loop) against other key variables in the survey. Simply editing categories of the grid question would result in you having to manipulate countless grids and slices. Creating a summarized version of a grid prevents to need to maintain multiple grids and slices.

Creating a summarized version of a grid

Create a new categorical variable:

This opens the New Variable window.

Insert a category:

This opens the Insert Categories window and displays a list of available categories.

Make the category a User Defined item.

Provide an appropriate category description in the Description field.

Click Edit Item...

This opens the Edit User Defined Item window that provides options for defining and modifying the expression for a user defined category.

Select the whole grid and add to the canvas.

Select the categories required for your grid question (for the row of the grid you are replicating).

Notes: If you have a large grid, click Open Category to place the whole grid in a new window before trying to make your selections. When answering a different analysis question, you can select across grid slices or loop iterations as well as grid question categories.

Click OK to return to the Insert Categories window.

Click OK to return to the New Variable window.

Insert any other new categories for the appropriate grid/loop items into your new variable.

Save the new variable and exit the New Variable window.

Add the new variable to your table(s).