Positioning the Output in a Microsoft Word Export File Using Bookmarks

Bookmarks are used in the default Microsoft Word template to position the tables, project and table document descriptions, and table of contents. The following table lists the recognized bookmarks.

Bookmark NameDescription
ExportIndicates where the tables and/or charts are to be inserted. If this bookmark does not exist in the template, they are inserted after the table of contents.
SurveyTitleIndicates where the project and table document descriptions are to be inserted. If this bookmark does not exist in the template, these items are inserted at the start of the document.
ContentsPageIndicates where the table of contents is to be inserted. If this bookmark does not exist in the template and the table of contents option is selected, the table of contents is inserted after the project and table document descriptions. If this bookmark exists in the template when you are not using the table of contents option, you will find that a blank page is created at the bookmark.

To insert bookmarks in a template:

Open the template in Word.

If required, add any standard graphics or text (such as logos, introductory text, and page headers and footers) that you want to appear in the Word documents.

Place the cursor on a new line where you want the content to appear.

From the Insert menu in Word choose Bookmark. This opens the Bookmark dialog box.

Enter the Bookmark Name.

Click Add.

Repeat the steps 3-6 for any other bookmarks that are required.

Save the template.

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