Changing the Microsoft Word Export Orientation to Landscape

The default Microsoft Word export template uses Portrait orientation. You can change this to Landscape in an individual Word document, or you can create your own custom template by editing the default template.

To create a custom Word template with Landscape orientation:

Export an example table to Word, specifying an output file name and folder in the Export File Name field in the Microsoft Word Exports dialog box.

When the export is complete you will see in the output folder, in addition to the exported Word document, a template file called

Open Word, then open (do not open the .dot file by double-clicking on it as this would create a new document).

From the File menu in Word, choose Page Setup, then select Landscape in the Orientation section of the Page Setup dialog and click OK.

You may also want to make other changes to the template, for example to resize or reposition the logo.

Save and close You can save this template in any folder (if you export to a folder and IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Survey Reporter finds an existing in the folder, it does not overwrite it, so your changes are not lost) but you may want to save it to the folder where all your other Word templates are stored, and give it a new name. If you rename the template and/or save it to a folder other than the output folder, you must explicitly select the template when you run the export.

Using Survey Reporter, run the export again, selecting the amended Word template in the Apply Word Template field of the Export dialog box.

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