Undoing and Redoing Actions in IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Reporter

You can undo and redo up to 50 actions in IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Survey Reporter. This includes changes you make in the Table List, the Design pane, the Filter pane, the Table and Filter Syntax panes, and the Table Properties dialog box. You can also undo and redo actions in the Edit Variable dialog box using the Undo and Redo options in that dialog box.

To undo an action

From the menu, choose

or press Ctrl+Z, or choose the Undo button on the toolbar:

To undo multiple actions, where available, select the drop-down button to the right of the undo button or menu option. A list of previous actions is displayed. Select the earliest action you want to undo. All later actions are also undone.

To redo an action

From the menu, choose

or press Ctrl+Y, or choose the Redo button on the toolbar:

To redo multiple actions, where available, select the drop-down button to the right of the undo button or menu option. A list of previous actions is displayed. Select the final action you want to redo. All earlier actions are also redone.