Saving a Filter

You can apply a filter to the current table, or you can save the filter for use in other tables.

To save a filter in the current table

Table filters are automatically applied to the current table when you click away from the Filter pane, and are saved when you save the table document (.mtd) file.

To save a filter for use in other tables

You can save a filter that you create on one table for use in other tables, by saving the filter as a variable. The variable then appears in the Variables pane and you can add it to the Filter tab for another table.

Create the filter in the first table where you want it to apply.

From the Filter menu, choose Save Filter As. The Save Variable As dialog box appears.

Enter a name and description for the new variable. Ensure that the variable name conforms to the IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Survey Reporter  Naming Conventions.

Choose OK. The filter is applied to the current table, and the new filter variable is added to the Variables pane. The filter appears as an edited boolean variable:

You can then apply the filter to other tables in the table document. See the topic Applying a Filter Variable to Another Table for more information.