Creating a Filter

You can create filters to restrict the cases that are included in a table.

Select the table for which you want to define a new filter.

Select the Filter pane:

In the Filter description field, enter a description for the filter. This will appear as a header in the Results pane. It is a good idea to include the filter conditions in the description, so that you can see at a glance what the filter shows when you view the results.

If you are working with hierarchical data, you also need to set the level at which you want the filter to operate. See the topic Filtering Hierarchical Data for more information.

In the Variables pane, select the variable you want to use as a filter.

Drag the variable onto the filter area:

Set up a condition for the filter; for example, for a categorical variable you can specify that only responses containing a specific category are included in the results. The type of condition you can set up varies according to the type of variable. See the topic Filter Conditions for more information.

If required, you can add further conditions. See the topic Adding Multiple Conditions to a Filter for more information.

The filter condition is applied to the table as soon as you switch to another pane.

Press F5 to generate the results and display the table.