Options: File Locations Tab

Use the options in the File Locations tab to specify the folders used to store templates, images, and other files used by IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Survey Reporter.

Note: The File Locations tab only applies to Survey Reporter, not IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Survey Reporter Server Edition. In Survey Reporter Server Edition, only the Black and White style sheet is installed. To customize the style sheet for Survey Reporter, you can create your own stylesheet (.css) and table logo and add it to the user's project folder, shared project folder, or shared folder.

The priority is:

1. User project folder (for example: [INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\6\Interviewer Server Administration\FMRoot\Users\admin\Projects\project1\Reporter\Styles\)

2. Shared project folder (for example: [INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\6\Interviewer Server Administration\FMRoot\Shared\Projects\project1\Reporter\Styles\

3. Shared folder (for example: [INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\6\Interviewer Server Administration\FMRoot\Shared\Reporter\Styles\)

Note: You must first create the \Reporter\Styles subfolders.

In Survey Reporter, only Black and White style provided with the installer. You can create your own stylesheet (.css) and add it to the user's project folder. To create a custom stylesheet:

Launch the Survey Reporter application.

Click Open From IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Interviewer Server Administration.

Navigate into your local user folder and click anywhere in File Name dialog box to make the Create Folder option visible.

Click Create Folder and create a new Reporter folder. Click the newly created Reporter folder, click Create Folder, and create a new Styles folder (Styles must be a sub-folder to Reporter).

Click Upload to load your custom stylesheet. The stylesheet must be named defaultstyle.css.

Click Upload to load your custom logo. The logo must be named defaultlogo.gif.

You must close and relaunch Survey Reporter in order for the new style to be available.

You can also use the IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Publish Assets Utility to deploy customized style sheets. Prepare your custom files in the Survey Reporter Server EditionCustom Files subdirectory (for example, C:\InetPub\wwwroot\SPSSMR\Reporter\Custom Files\Styles).

Fields on the File Locations Tab

Choose the Browse button beside an option, then select a folder or file from the Open dialog box to set that folder as the location where Survey Reporter looks for files of the selected type. In the case of the Table logo and Template file options, you must select a specific file of the appropriate type, not just a folder.

Style templates. This is the location of the style sheet (.css) files that control the appearance of the Results tab. By default, style sheets are located in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\6\Survey Reporter\Styles. You can add your own style sheets to this folder, or you can change this location to point to another folder containing your own style sheets. See the topic Customizing the Format of Your Results for more information.

Table logo. This is the name and location of an image file that displays a logo or other graphic on all your tables. The file must be in a .png file format. You can also turn the logo on or off using the Display logo option in the Display tab.

Template file. This is the name and location of a template table document file that contains default settings for all new table documents that you create. By default, no template file exists and the Survey Reporter default settings are used. A template file is created automatically in when you choose the Save as Default option in the Table Properties dialog box. The default location is a sub-folder of the Documents and settings folder under your user name, for example, C:\Documents and Settings\<your Windows user name>\Application Data\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\6\Survey Reporter You can add your own template file to this folder and select it here, or you can browse to a template file in another folder. See the topic Customizing Table Document Templates for more information.

Chart template location (Microsoft Office 2007 only). This is the name and location of a template file to be used for tables exported to Microsoft Excel 2007. Click Browse... to select a template from the Excel 2007 chart template folder or another location.