Options: General Tab

Use the General tab of the Options dialog box to set options that control automatic generation of table descriptions and results.

Fields on the General Tab

Auto-generate the table description. Controls how IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Survey Reporter generates the description for new tables. The table description is displayed in the Tables pane and in the Table description text box in the Design tab. Deselect this check box if you do not want Survey Reporter  to auto-generate the description, for example, because you want to enter your own description.

When you check this box, the table description is automatically generated using one of the following options:

• Use the table syntax. Select this option if you want the description to be generated from the table definition syntax. This combines the definitions for the side and top of the table.

• Use the table syntax (label based). Select this option if you want the description to be generated from the table definition syntax, but with the variable names replaced by their descriptions.

• Use the side axis syntax. Select this option if you want the description to be generated from the definition of the side of the table (shown before the * in the Table Syntax tab).

• Use the side axis syntax (label based). Select this option if you want the description to be generated from the definition of the side of the table, but with the variable names replaced by their descriptions.

When you select any of the auto-generate options, any descriptions you have entered manually are removed from existing tables and replaced with the auto-generated text. When one of the auto-generate options is in use, Survey Reporter automatically regenerates the description whenever you change the structure of the table.

Auto-generate counts and percentages in the variable editor. Controls whether Survey Reporter displays counts and percentages for each category in the variable when you open the Edit Variable dialog box. If you check this box, the values are displayed automatically. If you deselect it, you can still see counts and percentages on demand by choosing the Update Counts button on the toolbar.