Options: Display Tab

Use the options in the Display tab to control the appearance of the Results tab and to set other options that affect the display in IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Survey Reporter.

Fields on the Display Tab

Always generate new and changed tables before viewing. Select this option if you want Survey Reporter to generate results automatically when you select the Results tab. If you deselect this option, results are not displayed until you choose one of the Generate options on the Tables menu or toolbar, or press F5 or Ctrl+F5.

Results Display Options. Choose this button to open the Results Display Options Dialog Box, where you can specify how you want your results to look in the Results tab.

Shorten long variable names. If your variable names use namespaces, you may want to display the variables in Survey Reporter without using the full namespace, to improve the table display. For example, if your variables have names such as CompanyName.DivisionName.SurveyName.VariableName, you may only want the VariableName part to be displayed in the tables you create. To restrict the length of the variables, select a number of levels from the drop-down list. For survey data containing grid variables, enter a value of at least 2 to ensure that the full grid name is displayed.