Changing the description for a variable

You can choose whether to show variable names or descriptions (which are also called labels) in your tables. When you use variable descriptions, provided translations are available, you can select the language in which the descriptions are displayed. Changes apply to all tables.

When using the variable descriptions, you may sometimes find that you want to change the description for a variable--for example, to make it shorter so that it fits the available space better.

Switching between variable names and descriptions

In the Options dialog box, choose the Display tab.

In the Display variables as drop-down, select Names or Labels.

Choose OK to save changes and close the dialog box.

Changing a variable's description

In the Variables pane, select the variable that you want to change.

From the menu, choose

This opens the Edit Variable window.

In the description field beneath the variable's name, type a new description.

Choose Save and Close from the toolbar.