You can apply a number of statistical tests to your tables to check the statistical significance of your results.
► In the Tables pane, select the table to which you want to apply the test.
Note that most of the statistical tests are valid only for certain types of table; ensure that your tables meet the restrictions for your chosen test. See the Details and Restrictions topic for the appropriate test.
► If you are applying a paired preference test or a net difference test to a table, the process is slightly different from that for other statistical tests, as you also need to add a row or column to the table to contain the results. Before carrying out the remainder of these steps, you need to carry out the steps in Adding a Paired Preference Test or a Net Difference Test.
► From the menu bar, choose:
► Choose the Statistics tab.
► Select the statistical test that you want to apply to the table.
► If required, change the significance level(s) and the minimum and small base values.
► Choose OK.
► Generate the table: