Using the Toolbar

ToolDescriptionKeyboard Shortcuts
Hides the navigation pane (when it is visible).Alt+O, T
Shows the navigation pane (when it is hidden).Alt+O, T
Displays the last topic you viewed.Alt+O, B
Alt+Left arrow
Returns to the topic you were viewing before you used the Back tool. This tool is available only when you have used the Back tool.Alt+O, F
Alt+Right arrow
Stops the loading of an HTML page. This is useful when you are viewing pages on the World Wide Web.Alt+O, S
Reloads the current HTML page. This is useful when you are viewing pages on the World Wide Web.Alt+O, R
Cycles between five different font sizes. 
The Options menu. This contains commands corresponding to the tools on the toolbar and the additional commands listed below.Alt+O

Options Menu

CommandDescriptionKeyboard Shortcuts
Hide TabsHides the navigation pane (when it is visible).Alt+O, T
Show TabsShows the navigation pane (when it is hidden).Alt+O, T
BackDisplays the last topic you viewed.Alt+O, B
Alt+Left arrow
ForwardReturns to the topic you were viewing before you used the Back tool. This tool is available only when you have used the Back tool.Alt+O, F
Alt+Right arrow
HomeReturns you to the Welcome topic.Alt+O, H
StopStops the loading of an HTML page. This is useful when you are viewing pages on the World Wide Web.Alt+O, S
RefreshReloads the current HTML page. This is useful when you are viewing pages on the World Wide Web.Alt+O, R
Internet OptionsOpens the standard Internet Explorer Internet Options dialog box.Alt+O, I
PrintDisplays the Print Topics dialog box, which gives you the option to print a selected topic or a selected section of topics.Alt+O, P
Search Highlights OffTurns off the feature that highlights the words for which you are searching.Alt+O, O
Search Highlights OnTurns on the feature that highlights the words for which you are searching.Alt+O, O