You can move the text in a header or footer from one header or footer position and add it to another. You can also delete a header or footer from a table. See Header and Footer Positions for information on the recommended minimum information to include in headers and footers.
► In the Tables pane, select the table for which you want to move the header or footer.
► From the menu, choose:
► Choose the Header and Footer tab.
► In the header or footer position you want to change, for example, Left side, click and drag to select all the text.
Note: If you want to move part of a header or footer, you can select the specific text that you want to move. If you move a field code you must select the entire code, including the field code markers {}.
► Press Ctrl+X to cut the text from the current location.
► Position the cursor in the header or footer position where you want to place the text, taking care to place the cursor outside any existing field code markers {}.
► Press Ctrl+V to paste in the text.
► Repeat for any other headers or footers you want to move.
► Select the text you want to delete in the same way as for moving headers or footers.
► Press the Delete key.
► When you have finished making your changes, choose OK to close the Table Properties dialog box, save your changes, and apply them to the current table.