Diagnostics Information: Cell Chi-Square Test

When you run a statistical test on a table, IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Survey Reporter can create diagnostics information that shows the p values and some of the intermediate figures used to calculate the statistics. The information is in comma-delimited format, so you can open it in Microsoft Excel and perform calculations on the data. The information varies according to the test. Here is the information for the :

The above example uses the Pearson test with the Yates' correction (when required).

Note that the diagnostic information for the cell chi-square test includes information for every table cell.

formula. Displays the name of the formula used.

rows/cols. These indicate the category row and column that the test was performed on.

chisqd. The chi-square value.

chidof. The degrees of freedom.

pval. The p value.

siglevel. The significance level.

sample. The sample size.