Removing a Template

Once you have created a template, either by using the Table Properties dialog box or by adding your own template file to the templates folder, all new tables that you create in the current table document and in new table documents take their default settings from the template. You can, of course, change the settings for individual tables or for selected tables using the Table Properties dialog box. You can also change settings for all tables in the current document without applying the changes to the template.

If you want to revert to the IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Survey Reporter default settings, you can do so by removing the template file in Survey Reporter.

To remove a template file

From the menu, choose

In the File Locations tab, highlight the full path and file name of the template in the Template file field and delete it.

Choose OK to close the Options dialog box and save the change.

When you subsequently open a survey data file, the new table document that is created uses the Survey Reporter default settings.