Element Property Syntax

You can define properties for elements and special elements in the axis specification. You specify the properties after the element to which they apply as follows:

<properties>  ::= [<property> [, <property>]] 

<property>    ::=   CalculationScope=AllElements|PrecedingElements
                  | CountsOnly=True|False
                  | Decimals=DecimalPlaces
                  | Factor=FactorValue
                  | IsFixed=True|False 
                  | IsHidden=True|False                 
                  | IsHiddenWhenColumn=True|False                 
                  | IsHiddenWhenRow=True|False                 
                  | IncludeInBase=True|False
                  | IsUnweighted=True|False
                  | Multiplier=MultiplierVariable
                  | Weight=WeightVariable

These properties can also be set using the Properties pane in the Edit Variable dialog box.