Exporting Data

You can export selected data from the currently open survey data file to a number of different file formats such as IBM® SPSS® Statistics SAV files, delimited text files for use in Microsoft Excel, IBM® SPSS® Quantum™ DAT files, or SAS system files. The export creates a new file in the location that you specify.

New variables and variable edits are also exported.


• Exporting data is only possible from the desktop version of IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Survey Reporter. You cannot export data from the version of Survey Reporter that is installed from a server.

• Exporting new or edited variables that contain an up-lev expression (for example, MalesInHouseHold "Males live in the household" Boolean expression("Sum(Person.(Gender = {male})) > 0") or an expression that references the level ID (for example a derived grid such as LikesOurBrand "Respondent likes our brand" Boolean expression("LevelID = {OurBrand} And Rating * {VGood, Excellent}") is not supported.

You can choose to export data for all the variables in the survey data file, or you can select variables to export using the Variables pane, or select particular types of variables to export.

You can also apply a filter to restrict the data to export, by setting up a global, table, or interview filter in Survey Reporter before you export the data.

To export data

If required, set up any filtering that you want to use. You can apply a global, table, or interview filter, or any combination of these. See the topic Filtering Your Results for more information.

If you do not want to export all variables, use Shift+click or Ctrl+click to select the variables you do want to export in the Variables pane.

Tip: If you frequently want to export the same variables, you may want to add them to a folder so that they are in the same place and you can select them using Shift+click. See the topic Organizing Variables for more information.

From the menu, choose

The Export Data dialog box appears.

In the General tab:

• If the survey data file you are exporting from includes more than one language, select the language to export from the drop-down list.

• Select the output file format you want to use. Depending on the file format you select, additional options may be available. See the topic Export Data Dialog Box: General Tab for more information.

• Enter a name for the output file. If you do not enter a file path, the file will be saved in the same folder as the survey data file. To save the file elsewhere, choose the Browse button and select the location for the exported file.

In the Variables tab:

• If you want to export all variables in the survey data file, choose the All variables option.

• If you want to export the variables you have selected in the Variables pane, choose Variables currently selected in the variable list. To see a list of the selected variables, check the View selection box.

• If you want to export all variables of a particular type, for example, all categorical variables, choose the Specific types of variables option and check the relevant boxes.

• Choose whether to include system variables. You can choose common system variables or all system variables.

• Choose which variables should be exported for the axis variable.

In the Filters tab:

• Choose the filter or filters to apply to the data before it is exported. Only the data that passes the filter(s) will be exported.

When you have finished entering your export options, choose OK to export the data.