By default, the contents displayed in each cell of a table are counts and column percentages. You can change the cell contents to add or remove items as required.
► In the Tables pane, select the table that you want to edit.
► From the menu, choose
► Choose the Cell Contents tab.
► Select an item in the Available items list and choose the >> button to add it to the table.
► For cell contents that are based on a variable, for example Minimum or Maximum, you must also specify the variable to use. Highlight the item in the Included in cells list and select a variable from the Based on list.
► You can also add a prefix or suffix, or change the number of decimal places shown in the cell for the item, using the options in the Details section.
► To remove an item, select it in the Included in cells list and choose the << button.
► Choose OK to close the Table Properties dialog box, save your changes, and apply them to the current table.