Finding Tables

You can move directly to a table in the Tables pane by typing the start of the table's name.

To move to a table

Click anywhere in the list of tables in the Tables pane.

Type the first character of the name of the table you want to find.

The cursor moves to the next table in the list that begins with the character you typed. If it is not the table that you were searching for, type the same character again to move to the next table in the list that begins with the character. For example, typing r repeatedly would find tables called ranking, rates, rating, etc.

Alternatively, type the first two or more characters of the table's name to move to the first table that begins with all the characters typed, for example, typing rat would find rates. If you type more than one letter of the table's name, you must type the letters quickly or the display will move to a table whose name begins with the second letter.

You can also search for text that is part of the table name or description by using the Find dialog box.