File Properties: Advanced Tab

Use the options in the Advanced tab to change additional details for the current table document.

Fields on the Advanced Tab

Variable Preview Cache location. When you generate a preview for a variable, a number of files are created to contain the preview information, so that it does not need to be regenerated the next time you look at the variable. This field displays the location of the files. If you are supplying a table document to another person or company and you want them to be able to see variable previews that you have generated, you need to supply these files along with the table document.

Data view. Displays the view of the data (hierarchical or flat) that is in use. In most cases it is better to use the hierarchical view, as this provides additional functionality. See the topic The Hierarchical View and the Flat View for more information.

Variable description language. Choose the language in which you want variable and category descriptions to be displayed in the Variables pane and in the tables that you create. The drop-down list shows all of the languages that are available in the current survey data file.

Variable description context. Choose the context for which you want variable and category descriptions to be displayed. By default, IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Survey Reporter displays analysis text, but you might prefer to display text from another context such as the question context, which shows the text that respondents of the survey were given. The drop-down list shows all of the contexts that are available in the current survey data file.

Generate detailed statistical output. Select this option if you want to see diagnostics information on how statistical test results were calculated, including p values, the type of formula used, and the degrees of freedom for the table. See the topic Displaying Detailed Statistical Output for more information.

Delete log files after table generation. By default, log files are deleted once a table has been generated, to save disk space. If you need to keep the log files, for example, because you have been asked to provide them to assist with a support request, deselect this box. Log files are generated in a sub-folder of the Documents and Settings folder under your user name, for example, C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp.

Keep profile data when saving. If you have created any profile tables, you can choose whether to save or discard the data in these tables when you save the table document. Because profile data can increase the table document size substantially but is quick to generate, you may prefer to discard the profile data when you save your table documents, and regenerate the profile tables again as you need them. Note that only the profile data is discarded; the structure and properties of the profile tables are saved.

Include special data elements (e.g., Base, Net) in profile results. When selected, special data elements (such as Net and Base elements) are included in the profile table results.