Showing the Unweighted Base in Weighted Tables

When working with weighted data, it is good practice to show the unweighted base values in your tables as well as the weighted base values. This is particularly important when showing percentages. By default, IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Survey Reporter automatically adds an unweighted base at the start of each variable in a weighted table. For an example of a weighted table containing unweighted bases, see Counts and Unweighted Counts.

The unweighted base shows the total number of cases in the variable before any weighting has been applied. Only one value is ever shown in the table cells formed from the unweighted base, even when there are multiple cell contents. The value that is shown is the unweighted base count, regardless of what cell contents have been requested for the table.

You can stop the automatic insertion of the unweighted bases by deselecting the Add an unweighted base option on the Weight tab of the Table Properties dialog box. However, to comply with good practice guidelines, ensure that the unweighted base is shown when necessary.